Web Developer

A world traveler (25 countries and counting) with a penchant for licorice and Legos — as a kid, he built a sewing machine with a removable bobbin out of the tiny blocks — web developer Stan Grabowski also enjoys sketching out visual puns and honing his marksmanship skills when he gets the chance.

Picking a fight with all the English majors in the office, he believes The Great Gatsby is a waste of ink and is obsessed with the now-mothballed US Space Shuttle program. Enjoying “breaking things on purpose and then putting them back together,” he tinkers (sometimes successfully) with old cars and old computers.

Much to his clients’ and colleagues’ delight, the patient and pleasant Mr. Grabowski deplores technical jargon when talking websites, focusing instead on ensuring that users find what they need on the sites he builds. A gifted graphic designer, he enjoys camping and hiking in the mountains with his wife and would really like everybody to PLEASE turn on their headlights in bad weather. Safety first.

Would You Rather...

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Be too hot or too cold? Too cold.

Be a unicorn or a dragon? Dragon. I could light fires while camping more easily.

Be a famous singer or a famous actor? Actor. Fewer people want to hear me sing.

Sing karaoke or dance? (In front of a crowd.) Dance I guess. That's usually the least painful of the two I've experienced.

Read the book or watch the movie? Watch the movie.

Visit Disney World or attend the World Series? Disney World. 

Go without cheese or go without bread? Without cheese.

Have a personal chef or a housekeeper? Chef. I can clean, but I can't cook.

Explore outer space or the ocean? Space.

Touch a snake or touch a tarantula? My fifth grade teacher had a tarantula in the classroom. So, tarantula. 

Learn a new instrument or a new language? New language.

Attend the Oscars or the Grammys? Um...is there a difference? Whichever is shorter.

Travel the world on a shoestring budget or live luxuriously in one country? Travel the world on a shoestring budget...kinda like we do already! We've stayed in some sketchy places. Those are the best stories.

Be pals with Elmer Fudd or Bugs Bunny? Bugs. He takes things in stride.